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Staff Bios

Elise Skirde is an 8th grader who has been in the club for 3 years. She is 13 years old and the only staff left form the first year of the club. She really enjoys the club and thinks it is really fun. Enjoy reading the magazine!


Maydha Kumar is a human being that has 10 fingers. She has survived 13 years of life and has seen people fall to the floor laughing. Maydha is proud to know that she is a witch attending hogwarts and in the summer attends Camp Half Blood.


Megan Burton is a 7th grader who loves to swim. Her favorite type of dog is a golden retriever. She loves to hike and she has a 14 week old puppy. One of her favorite restaurants is Hu Hot and Fujiyama.


Keidynce Hairston is a 6th grader who LOVES  Cats but is alergic to them since just yesterday. lololololol WERID! I am nerdy and I am a verry smart girl. sometimes I get down on myself and can be emotional. Once I had a friend (who i thought she was) and then she stabbed me in my back :( but i got over it.;).


Lily Farrelly is a 6th grader at STEM she is 11 years old, turning 12 in October. Her favorite animal is a dog. Her favorite color is red even though red is associated with evil and bad, it means good luck in China, which she is adopted from. Lily also enjoys writing poetry,  playing video games, and knows a lot about those lucky cats with the coins and the paw raised (Maneki-neko).


Yonatan Yakub is an 8th grader at STEM and 13 years old. He likes to read, write poetry, and play videogames in his free time. His favorite school subjects are math and science. He has played baseball for 6 years. His favorite color is green, and he thinks that Marvel is better than DC comics.


Katie Yanoulakis is a 6th grader attending her first year at stem. She loves dogs and animals in  general. She is 11 years old and be twelve in december.This will be her first year in  Literary magazine club. In her free time she likes to read ,write ,doodle, spend time with her family and obsees over harry potter in any way she can. She plays electric guitar and is awesome at it. 


Audrey Glenn is an 8th grader at STEM. She is often confused and gravity tends to hate her. She has a strange addiction to Nature Valley Oats and Honey granola bars, along with that Nutella. Nutella is delicious. She likes to read, write, play video games, and draw in her free time. She loves cats and dragons and if there were a hybrid of them she’d definitely have it.


Harrison Procter a 7th grader that created a stupid creature called the Speetle. Harrison has been run over by a car during last Summer so he was not very mobile. Harrison has won over 13 hockey tournaments and is going for the 14th this year. He has also been run over by an angry goat.


Bella is an AWESOME 6th grade grader who is good at all things that include FASHION!! She enjoys being around horses with the BEST aunt ever. She happens to love school. She is super sporty. She loves her family very much and likes Miss Christian. 


Hi I am Anya. I like to sit in my room and draw or read. This is my second year at STEM. I have been in lit mag for one year and this is my second. I like to play video games. I do not really like people but I stick close to my friends. I carry with me many many sketch books at a time so that if I deeply need to draw I can. I also like using watercolor, oil pastel, oil paints, charcoal, regular paint and anything I can find. I obviously like making art and being creative. I am a very creative person. I have two twin brothers a mom and a dad. I am a very open minded person. My favorite color is black. I do not necessarily like people. 


Will is in 8th grade. Will has 2 dogs named Russell and Daisy.  Will has been in stem for three years and love it. He loves rock and all music. 


Ben vickland has been in lit mag for 2 years. He loves to play bass and like sports. I am very happy to be in lit mag.My favorite color is blue and i love music.


Zachary Carlson Is an 8th grader who has been at STEM for three years. He has been in lit club for 2. He loves to play sports including football, baseball and lacrosse. Almost everyday after school he does an extracurricular activity and loves to be with his friends.


Marina Thornton is an 8th Grade girl. Marina has short blonde hair and green/blue eyes. She likes many things including the sky, nature, and the planet in general. She likes to read, write, draw, and hang out with friends. She also has a thing for good TV shows.

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